Remote broadcasting today: the objective of radio and television channels is to produce and distribute attractive content. They need easy-to-use solutions and tools to stay content focused.
We believe that today’s remote broadcasting solutions should be easier than they are.

Remote broadcasting today: the objective of radio and television channels is to produce and distribute attractive content. They need easy-to-use solutions and tools to stay content focused.
We believe that today’s remote broadcasting solutions should be easier than they are.

This service is responsible for establishing broadcast quality communications between IP codecs through our audio over IP infrastructure.
We have designed our own audio over IP infrastructure to supply our customers with reliable, high-quality audio, and secure communications and to enable interoperability with third party codecs.
A Web Platform
Where technicians can:
Provision field codec configurations for journalists
Configure studio codecs
Manage and Monitor
codec fleet and communication in real time
Remotely control on-field codec’s audio and configuration settings
View network metrics of ongoing and past communications
Where journalists can:
Request for remote assistance from his technician in the studio
Set their personal audio preferences
Retrieve and configure their audio preferences to any Digigram codec with ease

For technicians:
- Prepare remote broadcasts in advance to avoid any live pressure.
- See what’s going on and act from anywhere.
- Reliability:
- Highly available connection service
- Resilient communications.
- Safe and secure:
- Audio stream sources are authenticated: you control what goes on air
- Journalists can only connect to the right destination.
- Very visual and intuitive web interface.
For journalists:
- Never alone on the field:
- Journalists can request for remote assistance anytime
- Technicians can take full remote-control of the portable codec.
- Journalists share codecs without losing their personal audio preferences.
- Journalists can focus on their job: create content.

For broadcasters:
- Save money: Journalists share field codecs
- No need to send a Technician to every remote broadcast
- No need to design, install and maintain your own audio aver IP infrastructure.
- Flexible remote broadcast management
Main features

A Connection Service
- Failure-free setting up of connections between field and studio codecs.
- Reliable connections.
- Secured connections (especially against cyber attacks targeting the program content going out on the air).
- Compatible with third party codecs (provided that they are EBU-tech3326 compliant).

Real time codec fleet monitoring
(from web application)
- Visualize the codec fleet and codec characteristics.
- Visualize codec statuses (free, busy, offline) in real time.
- Place, accept, refuse calls.
- View assistance requests from the field

Codec configuration provisioning
(from a web application)
- Auto configuration of field codecs.
- Personalized configurations.
- Configuration that follows the user.

Monitor option
Real time communications monitoring
(from a web application)
- Real time alarm and quality of communication monitoring.
- Event log of 3 months allowing to view alarms, communication details, network quality metrics graphs later.

Remote option
Remote control of field codecs
(from a web application)
- Remote access to field codec settings from anywhere (limited to audio input and output levels and audio mixers in the first release of the product).

24/7 operational support
- A hotline.
- Operational Support: Remote intervention within 30 minutes in the event of a service interruption.
The offer
FREE / per link monthly price
FREE / per link yearly price
Up to 2 links
Connection service
Provision field codec configurations (**)
View and manage codec fleet (*)
Configure studio codecs (**)
Monitor codecs in real time (*)
Set personal audio preferences (*)
- Monitor communications in real time
- View network metrics
Up to 4 links
Connection service
Provision field codec configurations (*)
View and manage codec fleet (*)
Configure studio codecs (*)
Monitor codecs in real time (*)
Set personal audio preferences (*)
- Monitor communications in real time
- View network metrics
Connection service
Provision field codec configurations (*)
View and manage codec fleet (*)
Configure studio codecs (*)
Monitor codecs in real time (*)
Set personal audio preferences (*)
Monitor communications in real time (*)
View network metrics (*)
(*) Digigram codecs only
(**) Digigram codecs only, Limited to 2 contacts and 1 call per codec includes 2 SIP accounts for interop with third party codecs
For IQOYA CONNECT and Monitor option, broadcasters subscribe for links according to their needs.
A link is a resource allowing to establish one full duplex audio over IP communication between two codecs (either program, or talkback, or intercom and whatever its number of channels).
The number of links subscribed by the broadcaster is the maximum number of communications that he will be authorized to establish at the same time.
Number of codecs and number of users are unlimited.
Eurovision Services (Technical Coordination during Live Sports TV Broadcasts)

Antenna Hungaria
Ready to get started?
IQOYA CONNECT is the ultimate remote broadcast solution. 100% SaaS, 100% safe, take control and monitor all your on-field codecs from anywhere. It’s always up to date, very simple to use, and ready to run in a minute. Our customers are already monitoring thousands of codecs around the world with IQOYA CONNECT. Try it for free today and jump in the next generation of remote broadcasting.
Ready to make a real change? Try IQOYA CONNECT today!